We Are Sunshine

Generations 101:
Generation Z and Millenials

Monday, April 8th, 2013

When did you last take a close at your customers and make changes in your business based on their needs? Today you work with four very different generations: Generation Z (18 and younger); Millenials (19-32); Generation X (33-48); and the Zoomers, a combination of the Baby Boomers (47-65), and the group we’ve coined the LOMLOTs (Lots of Money, Lots of Time – people of retirement age and older). Each group expects very different things in a service experience, both in-store and online. Know what else? What works with one generation is kryptonite to another. In this article, we’ll meet the first two groups.

Generation Z: The Zeds

The kids of Generation Z – “Zeds” for short – are the first generation of the 21st century. Although they may resemble the kids of our past, they are very different. Tho oldest Zeds are 16; the youngest are yet to be born. They come from families with younger parents who want their kids to experience it all – according to all reports, Zeds will be the most empowered generation ever.

We’re seeing an erosion of childhood – this is a generation of little adults. Marketers call it KYOG: Kids Getting Older Younger: Six is the new sixteen. Zeds left the womb knowing how to work every gadget and never looked back; they have no past memory of life without technology.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
