We Are Sunshine

The Picasso of Productivity: Erik Wahl speaks from the art

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

It might be easy to think of this year’s Smart Tan Downtown keynote as an artist, a public speaker or an entrepreneur — but “or” is not a word that suits Erik Wahl well. More aptly described using the word “and,” Wahl melds these aspects of his career into a compelling strategy that has inspired multi-million dollar ideas for large corporations like Microsoft, Disney and NBC.

This November, salon owners will see just how Wahl combines these aspects seamlessly with the kind of positive energy that changes minds and opens hearts. But he isn’t coming to Nashville just to ramble about feelings or fluff: Wahl paints a dynamic picture of how you can unlock your true potential for success in business.

In an exclusive Smart Tan Magazine interview, Wahl discusses his journey through the business world, the art world, and what to expect when he rocks your world at the indoor tanning industry’s largest trade show.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine.
