We Are Sunshine

Smart Management:
Take Control of Your Success

Monday, September 9th, 2013

You can be successful no matter what. Have you ever told yourself that? It’s true! If you stop letting the uncontrollable control you, your business can continue to grow and thrive.

No one can deny that the tanning industry has some obstacles to overcome. Negative media, taxation and legislation are changing the way salon owners approach their business, but in the process, many entrepreneurs have let these challenges get in the way of their salon’s true potential. It takes a little introspection and tough love to see, but the secret behind those feelings of dissatisfaction is that salon owners are getting in their own way.

You may not be able to control what legislation passes in your state, but you can control your relationship with individual politicians to ensure they vote with your interests in mind. You may not be able to control the economy, but you can find new ways to offer value without slashing prices. You may not be able to control the seasonality of your business, but you can implement a strong EFT system so you have steady revenue year round. If you focus on the aspects of your business that you have control over, you can be successful despite those other challenges.

So many salon owners are bursting with creative, fun and practical solutions for their business, but they give in to what author Mel Robbins called the “inner snooze button.” Those moneymaking ideas get pushed off for this reason or that, and business owners go back to the status quo.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
