We Are Sunshine

Consultant’s Corner: There’s Gold in the Old

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Most people have very short memories about almost everything. Many salon owners also suffer from this as well. They wither forget or they lack the motivation to seek out and discover what was successful in the past. Here’s how this relates to your marketing.

I don’t believe there are really any original ideas left when it comes to marketing. Sure, the different media you use have and will continue to change. But when it comes to the messages, headlines and offers, there isn’t anything new under the sun.

It’s crazy when a salon owner throws together an ad, a radio commercial or any type of marketing piece that has a deadline in twenty minutes while they are sipping their morning coffee.

Your marketing dollars are very precious and you always want to invest them wisely, carefully and feel reasonably comfortably that you will be getting them all back, and then some. Effectively marketing your salon is the highest paying job you have. Nothing you do has the potential to bring you more money than cost-effective, efficient marketing.

So throwing together an ad willy-nilly without some careful thought, knowledge and proper research is foolish. Great examples are available almost everything, Research what other successful salons are doing. But don’t just look at tanning salons. Any successful business can provide ideas and inspiration that can easily be translated and used for your business.

One of my favorite places for research and inspiration is old magazine ads. Before the internet and even pre-dating TV and radio, magazine ads were effectively selling products and services over 150 years ago.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online. 
