We Are Sunshine

Proud Members

Wednesday, July 10th, 2019

We are proud members of the JCTA and have been since the very beginning! Since we opened in 1995, we have encountered several issues in which we have needed assistance from our friends down there at the JCTA. Every single time, we know that we can count on the support and guidance of the team, and I never feel like I’m an inconvenience when I need help.

As most of you know, we have our hands full when it comes to defending our industry. The fear-mongering and completely slanted view on sunshine and the effects can be very deflating at times….but one thing remains….the support of the JCTA and Steve Gilroy.

I never feel alone, and I am so thankful that these people still continue to offer such a valuable resource for us!

Thanks JCTA!

(From a couple of old-timers in Vernon)

Lisa and Glenn Gallie

Owners of Big Sun Beachwear & Tanning

Vernon BC
