We Are Sunshine

There is still no proof that tanning in a non-burning fashion is linked to melanoma.

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

AUGUST 11, 2009 — “There is no compelling evidence that sun tan parlors have induced a single melanoma.” — Master Dermatologist Dr. Bernard Ackerman, who wrote two books condemning the dermatology community for failing to disclose that there still is not any data showing that tanning in a non-burning fashion is a risk factor for melanoma.

2009-08-11-quote-of-the-week-tanningnews-copy.jpgAckerman’s comments appeared in a Dermatology Times article in which American Academy of Dermatology spokesperson Dr. James Spencer admitted that there is no direct experimental data connecting indoor tanning and melanoma and that the dermatology community is “dependent on epidemiological studies for the data.” In fact, 18 of 22 epidemiologic studies ever conducted on indoor tanning and melanoma show no statistically significant connection, including the largest and most recent study.

Ackerman’s books and how the tanning community can correctly embrace their findings will be the subject of a workshop at Smart Tan Downtown, Smart Tan’s 14th Annual Convention and Trade Show Oct. 9-11 in Downtown Nashville. Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy will lead the workshop. For full convention information and registration, click here or call Smart Tan at 800-652-3269 or 866-795-3755 in Canada.
