We Are Sunshine

Something to be Excited About

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

By Matt Russell, Smart Tan CEO

In my personal experience, one of the best things about running a business is that it never gets boring. You’re constantly faced with new challenges you have to overcome, and there are always new opportunities out there to improve your business. There’s always something new to be excited about, a new battle to be waged, and an idea you’re overlooking that could significantly change the game. It’s what keeps me going. It never gets boring. And that’s why working in the tanning industry for 43 years has been perfect for me.

What started with a few local salons in the early years of commercial tanning in the U.S. quickly evolved into starting the industry’s first trade publication, then becoming the industry’s first educational association, developing and continually revamping the industry’s best training, hosting the industry’s biggest tradeshows, and so much more.

In the midst of all that, one of the most exciting, invigorating facets of my job has been championing the tanning industry around the world. When indoor tanning first started coming under attack in media and politics in the 1990’s, I took it personally. I knew our family businesses were being unfairly attacked by large corporate groups profiting from overexaggerated claims about UV light. I’ve been fighting back ever since by ensuring everyone in our industry knows the truth, creating consumer advocacy campaigns, and dedicating much of my time over the last decade-plus to the American Suntanning Association’s political advocacy efforts.

Now, I’ve found something new to keep me going full throttle. When I first discovered the device now known as the SmartSun Therapy SST28, I was intrigued. Then I got excited. Then I began to realize the totality of the potential this service could have for the industry I’ve been fighting to protect and grow for so many years. In some ways, it’s very similar to how I felt when I was first introduced to a new device called a “tanning bed.” Here’s this device that provides amazing, almost instantaneous results that people are going to want to keep achieving once they’ve experienced it. It’s very affordable to operate and not labor-intensive. But, unlike a tanning bed, everybody will want to use it year-round. It almost sounds too good to be true.

I quickly realized that SmartSun Therapy could also mean much more than that for our industry. It’s not only a way to create new revenue, bring in new clients and extend EFTs, but also an incredible opportunity to remind clients that the therapeutic red light and near-infrared light from the SST28 also comes from the sun, just like the UV light in our tanning beds. That’s why we call it SmartSun Therapy. Today, I am a firm believer that the optimal tanning regimen should include a red light component, because that’s how nature intended it to be done.

If you think this is starting to sound like a sales pitch, you’re not wrong. Smart Tan is the exclusive distributor of this premier technology in the tanning industry. But I wouldn’t be doing this in the first place if I didn’t believe in it and what it can do for our industry. You don’t have to take my word for it, and you shouldn’t. Like any business opportunity, you need to do your own research. Some of the industry’s most successful operators have been using this technology for years, and I’m sure they would be more than willing to share their experience with you.

I’m confident that they’ll tell you the same thing I am: SmartSun Therapy is definitely something to be excited about.

