We Are Sunshine

Quote of the Week

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

“This new tanning tax is unquestionably short-sighted and counterproductive. Not only did dermatologists get the government not to tax Botox, they are instead going to tax HEALTHY tanning beds that are a vital source of vitamin D during the winter months.”

2010-01-20 Botox copy— Dr. Joseph Mercola, creator of mega-popular health education web site Mercola continued, “The real travesty here is that this tanning tax is further propagating the myth that a healthy tan is a cancer risk, when in reality tanning during the winter months can help you prevent cancer, along with numerous other diseases.”

Mercola points out that indoor tanners typically have adequate vitamin D levels, but non-tanners do not. UV exposure from the sun is the body’s natural way to make vitamin D.
