We Are Sunshine

UV Linked to Lower Endometrial Cancer Risk

Monday, April 11th, 2011

A study in Sweden has found that women who used sunbeds had up to a 50 percent reduction in endometrial cancer risk, according to EmpowHer. The observational study, conducted by Dr. Elisabeth Epstein, looked at 17,822 post-menopausal women who were followed for an average of 15.5 years.oldertannedlady

When the data was analyzed, there was a 40 percent reduction in endometrial cancer for women who used sunbeds at least three times a year, the article states. The study also found that both obesity and estrogen levels are important risk factors for endometrial cancer. When the data was adjusted for body mass index the risk reduction jumped to 50 percent.

This should come as no surprise to the indoor tanning community as vitamin D, which is produced by UV exposure, has been linked to a reduction in the risk of numerous types of cancer. The article did state the production of vitamin D was the suspected mechanism by which the reduction in risk of endometrial cancer was achieved.

The American Cancer Society estimates that nearly 43,000 women each year develop endometrial cancer in the United States.

Read the full article at
