We Are Sunshine

News Archive for November, 2009

An Illuminating Tanning Companion: Lumière and Four Seasons

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Four Seasons has established an exclusive distributorship with an industry leader in skin rejuvenation treatments, Lumière Excel Light Thèrapie. Using a combination of red and infrared light, the Lumière Excel reduces pore size, improves skin tone and texture, creates vibrant,

Hiring, Training and Retaining Winning Employees

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

The shrinking pool of available help for retail is taking its toll. Retailers of all sizes are struggling to find and hold enough sales staff to get the job done successfully. Think about finding more part-time staff, creating a job …

Go Green! Get Bronze!

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Education about our environment has encouraged more people to follow the 3 R’s: reduce, reuse and recycle. While tanning salons can’t run their business on solar panels and are heavily reliant on electricity, there are other ways to do our

What Are You Giving Away for Free?

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

There is a new business model that has quietly crept into the marketing mainstream. FREE! Some of the biggest companies are now adopting a FREE strategy. Think about Google and the amount of money this company makes. The interesting part

Dr. Canada – If I only had a “Dr.” in front of my name Part III

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009


In my last “If I only had a ‘Dr.’ in front of my name” column, I discussed the CDA’s (Canadian Dermatology Association’s) peculiar stance on allowing sunscreen manufacturers to put so much misinformation on a sunscreen bottle………FULL STORY

Member of the Month: Caribbean Tan & Spa – Cedar Falls IA

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

nov_09_mom.jpgEven in the depths of a Midwestern winter, it’s always sunny and warm at Caribbean Tan & Spa in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

That’s because the salon reflects the personality of owner Michele Hersom. And she’s big on keeping her clients …

Funding Our Future

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Instead of merely defending tanning from unfair attacks, Smart Tan organizes an offense-oriented assault on Sun Scare’s deadly message.

It happened again in late July. The purveyors of ‘Sun Scare’ spread a story about indoor tanning that put the tanning …

HEADLINE STORY: How Do Indoor Tanning Salons Teach Sunburn Prevention?

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

The indoor tanning industry is at the forefront in educating people how to successfully avoid sunburn over the course of one’s life.
