A Wilmington News-Journal report published last week best-expressed the weakness of the data used by a World Health Organization working group last summer in a controversial report used to suggest that tanning is on par with cigarettes as a risk. …
A Delaware newspaper on Thursday reported what the rest of the world’s media failed to correctly identify last summer: That the World Health Organization’s report alleging a connection between tanning and melanoma really had very little bite beyond it’s bark.…
JACKSON, MICHIGAN — March 3, 2010 — An International Smart Tan Network survey of 6,881 indoor tanning clients conducted in January 2010 revealed that 11 percent of tanning clients say a doctor referred them to a tanning salon for therapeutic …
Health News Digest on the internet is promoting a new book by a Canadian physician who tells his patients sunlight is the best source of vitamin D — which he refers to as the “anti-death vitamin” — and that fears …
A study published in the most recent journal of the American Heart Association suggests that UVA exposure lowers blood pressure — a finding that adds to the list of non-vitamin D-related medical benefits associated with sun exposure.
Vitamin D pioneer Dr. Michael Holick — whose new book ‘The Vitamin D Solution’ hits bookstores in April — has penned an explanation on his web site why vitamin D produced from UV exposure to the skin is considerably more …