“Faced with high cancer rates, health authorities have rushed to damn …
Becoming a great manager is a process that is both tough and delicate. You’re only human, but how you wield your strengths and weaknesses has a profound impact on the team dynamic. It’s true that, managing others requires a certain …
Achieving maximum profitability in your indoor tanning business takes more than a steady stream of customers. It’s easy to get caught up in worrying about having enough potential tanners in your area and reaching enough of them with your marketing, …
By Mike Neagle, Argo Networks
Data breaches at Target and other retailers had a devastating effect on salons with credit card EFT memberships. As customers received new cards due to the breach, rejection rates soared at salons across the country …
“We just want them to operate within the law the same way we have to,” the Executive Vice President of Ashley Lynn’s Inc., operators of 16 Palm Beach Tan locations, told a local TV station after Wednesday’s filing of a …
Omaha, Nebraska (July 22, 2015) – Today, seven small …