Many experts believe that the deficiency of sun exposure as a result of modern indoor lifestyles is widespread enough to be considered a health epidemic. They call it “mal-illumination.” Put simply by Dr. John Ott, who coined the term in …
Producing the most effective red and near-infrared light therapy system requires careful engineering that balances the amount of energy emitted from each diode, the total amount of energy emitted from the device, and the distance between the light source and …
By Dr. Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute
A press release from the Vitamin D Society of Canada discusses the need for vitamin D in the winter, in order to reduce the risk and intensity of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. SAD …
Consider the new possibilities created by rapid advancements in tanning technology, and it’s natural to think of equipment first. Revolutionary sunbed technology has propelled the industry forward in recent years, marking a new era in tanning. The same can be …
By Jenny Backman
Unfortunately, the winter months can linger on for what seems like forever, and all of us in the tanning world are praying for the return of our beloved tanning season where all is well with abundant tanners …
Alongside the introduction of the SmartSun Therapy SST28 in July, Wilbraham Tanning created a new top-tier membership offering clients unlimited access to tanning, spray tanning, and the medical-grade red light device. According to owner Samantha Asselin, the addition of the …
Materials provided by University of South Australia.
Free from the sun, vitamin D delivers a natural source for one of the hormones essential to our bodies, especially the bones. But when you’re down on this essential nutrient, it’s not …