We Are Sunshine

5 Ways to Improve Online Marketing

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Step up your online marketing game in 2013 with advice from the article “5 Online Marketing New Year’s Resolutions for 2013.” The simplest way to increase profits is through more effective marketing, and you can do so at a low cost through better use of typical digital media. Use these tips to boost your online presence:

  1. Send more marketing e-mails. The efficacy of e-mail marketing is constantly underrated. While it’s always a great way to push specials and increase repeat sales, you should think of e-mail marketing as another way to build a relationship with customers. Try to send a blast at least once a week – preferably twice – and keep content fresh, simple and digestible.
  2. Create two pages of content per week. Updating your website frequently will boost your SEO rankings and help online searchers find your business instead of your competitor’s. Set a goal of adding two pages of content per week. This may seem like a lot, but with options like blog posts, new product info, news updates and customer resources, it’s manageable and worth the effort.
  3. Create content for distribution, too. Share your content with bloggers, organizations, websites and partners related to your business in order to boost traffic and further improve SEO. To really make a difference, get creative with infographics and videos.
  4. Be more interesting on Facebook. Start by asking yourself, “Is my business page interesting enough that I would be a fan?” Your posts should be fun and interesting. Plugging sales and products is fine, but it’s the slightly more off-topic content that will build engagement and boost Facebook visibility.
  5. Optimize your website for smartphones and tablets. With 25 percent of your current or potential customers viewing your website on mobile devices, having a mobile site is a must.

Click here for the entire article from
