Through the course of working in a retail environment, you’ll invariably come across difficult clients. But if they only knew what you did, the world would just be abetter place for it! Here are some of the most common things that salon owners, managers and employees wish their clients knew:
1. “I wish you wouldn’t ask me a ton of questions about a product, then buy it online.”
Salons are trusted retailers for indoor tanning products, and the staff is full of trained professionals who want to help you make a smart decision for your tan and your wallet. It may seem like a good idea to get that $120 bottle of lotion for $18 online, but you never know what’s in that bottle or how long it’s been there. Please trust that we are here to supply you with great advice and great products.
2. “T’m not going to give you the maximum tanning time just because you ask for it.”
Tanning is different for everyone, and more isn’t always better. We know you want to get your money’s worth, but it’s better to tan smart tan to tan constantly. With different UV outputs, types of equipment, and skin types, it takes more work than you think to calibrate the perfect exposure schedule for you. But we’re happy to do the work to ensure you get the best possible results without burning.
Click here to read the entire article in the January issue of Smart Tan Magazine.