We Are Sunshine

Author Archive

‘Sunshine Vitamin’ stories are everywhere this season

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Two major newspapers on Monday featured prominent vitamin D stories strongly encouraging everyone to get more vitamin D.

The Edmonton Sun featured an interview article with independent sunlight and tanning advocate Dr. Marc Sorenson — the author of “Vitamin D3 …

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ stories are everywhere this season

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Two major newspapers on Monday featured prominent vitamin D stories strongly encouraging everyone to get more vitamin D.

The Edmonton Sun featured an interview article with independent sunlight and tanning advocate Dr. Marc Sorenson — the author of “Vitamin D3 …

2 Florida Women Awarded $1 million for Exposing Florida dermatologist’s Fraud

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

The U.S. Justice Department awarded a $1 million “whistle blower” award to two Florida women whose lawsuit led to the conviction of a Florida dermatologist who had bilked the Medicare system by removing non-cancerous skin lesions and calling them cancer.…

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: 2 Florida Women Awarded $1 million for Exposing Florida dermatologist’s Fraud

Monday, December 15th, 2008

The U.S. Justice Department awarded a $1 million “whistle blower” award to two Florida women whose lawsuit led to the conviction of a Florida dermatologist who had bilked the Medicare system by removing non-cancerous skin lesions and calling them cancer.…

Dr. Bernard Ackerman, prominent dermatologist who challenged his peers about melanoma, dies at 72.

Monday, December 15th, 2008

Dr. Bernard Ackerman — a pioneer in the field of pathology for dermatologists who was himself an avid suntanner and believed strongly that UV light exposure is not related to melanoma incidence — died of heart failure at the age …

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Dr. Bernard Ackerman, prominent dermatologist who challenged his peers about melanoma, dies at 72.

Friday, December 12th, 2008

Dr. Bernard Ackerman — a pioneer in the field of pathology for dermatologists who was himself an avid suntanner and believed strongly that UV light exposure is not related to melanoma incidence — died of heart failure at the age …

Dr. Phil episode to look once again at tanning and addiction

Friday, December 12th, 2008

An upcoming episode of the Dr. Phil show will once again attempt to make the case that indoor tanning can be an addiction — despite the fact that there is no real evidence to support such a blanket statement.…

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Dr. Phil episode to look once again at tanning and addiction

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

An upcoming episode of the Dr. Phil show will once again attempt to make the case that indoor tanning can be an addiction — despite the fact that there is no real evidence to support such a blanket statement.…
