We Are Sunshine

Author Archive

New Australian study shows how incredulous the anti-tan lobby can be

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

Australian researchers who asserted that indoor tanning may be killing 43 Australians a year in a study published Monday may be guilty of academic fraud, allowing questionable methods to be promoted as fact and apparently ignoring confounding information in how …

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: New Australian study shows how incredulous the anti-tan lobby can be

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

Australian researchers who asserted that indoor tanning may be killing 43 Australians a year in a study published Monday may be guilty of academic fraud, allowing questionable methods to be promoted as fact and apparently ignoring confounding information in how …

Scientists swinging back around to sunlight as the best source of vitamin D.

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

“I really think we need to find a way to undo the shortsightedness of the broad public campaigns that try to stop entire populations from being out in the sun ‘unprotected’. I grew up in Scotland, and I often recall

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Scientists swinging back around to sunlight as the best source of vitamin D.

Monday, October 6th, 2008

“I really think we need to find a way to undo the shortsightedness of the broad public campaigns that try to stop entire populations from being out in the sun ‘unprotected’. I grew up in Scotland, and I often recall

USA Weekend spouts an oft-quoted mis-statistic to slam tanning

Monday, October 6th, 2008

Tabloid USA Weekend — distributed in 623 newspapers to 23 million readers — printed the misleading statement in its Sept. 28 magazine that “Melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer, is now the second-most-common cancer among women ages 25 to 29, says …

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: USA Weekend spouts an oft-quoted mis-statistic to slam tanning

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

Tabloid USA Weekend — distributed in 623 newspapers to 23 million readers — printed the misleading statement in its Sept. 28 magazine that “Melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer, is now the second-most-common cancer among women ages 25 to 29, says …

Heart disease expert: Vitamin D recommendations are not “one-size-fits-all’

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

A leading cardiac expert who personally has helped an estimated 1,000 patients replenish their vitamin D blood levels says that we need a lot more vitamin D than most people think, and that recommendations cannot be generalized but must be …

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Heart disease expert: Vitamin D recommendations are not “one-size-fits-all’

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

A leading cardiac expert who personally has helped an estimated 1,000 patients replenish their vitamin D blood levels says that we need a lot more vitamin D than most people think, and that recommendations cannot be generalized but must be …
