We Are Sunshine

Author Archive

The Four M’s: Low Cost Strategies for a Stronger Business

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

In today’s tanning market, profit is a game of inches – not feet. In earlier years of tanning there was more room for error. But in a maturing market, the margins are tight. The good news is that many of …

Washington Watchdog Blasts SPFs: 2011 Report

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

The Washington, D.C., based Environmental Working Group – a consumer watchdog that has blasted FDA for not updating sunscreen regulations since the late 1970s and chastizes sunscreen manufacturers for poor product safety standards, has released its 2011 report on the …

Derm Leader: Tans are Natural

Monday, May 30th, 2011

“Working on a tan is analogous to training muscles; both, if done in moderation and reasonably, serve a worthwhile purpose.” — Dr. Bernard Ackerman, founder of the New York City-based Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology and author of The Sun and

Are Salon Strip Mall Anchors Changing?

Friday, May 27th, 2011

A new survey suggests that mix of large-box “anchor” tenants in strip malls with tanning salons may be changing — with fewer salons tied to malls anchored by supermarkets today than just a few years ago. According to a …

Mercola Blasts ACS For ‘Sun Scare’

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

The most prolific natural health advocate on the web has issued a statement blasting the American Cancer Society for not embracing better cancer-prevention programs ­ including encouraging people to optimize their vitamin D blood levels with regular UV exposure.

2010-04-25 Get some sun copyDr. …

Expert: Sun Protects Against Skin Cancer

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

Another British oncologist has rebuked the cosmetic dermatology industry’s sun-scare tactics, penning an article in the British press Tuesday encouraging people to get regular sun exposure to help them prevent all forms of cancer — even skin cancer.

2010-04-24 Get some sun copyDr. Angus …

‘D’ Lowers Pneumonia Mortality: Study

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011


Hospitalized pneumonia patients with severe vitamin D deficiency were more than 12 times more likely to die from pneumonia while hospitalized than those who have average levels of ‘The Sunshine Vitamin’ according to research published this month in the peer-reviewed …

Study Links ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ With Sperm Health

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Male sexual health may be improved with vitamin D and sun exposure, University of Copenhagen researchers reported this week — another reason researchers are saying that overzealous sun avoidance is unnatural and has potential negative side effects.

2010-04-23 High Sperm Count copy“Would-be fathers should …
