About half of tanning facilities reported a better first quarter in 2008 as compared to 2007 according to a SmartTan.com poll conducted in early April – a finding that bolsters the belief that indoor tanning can hold its own in …
Multibillion-dollar sun scare purveyor Johnson & Johnson – manufacturer of the Aveeno skin care line – is recommending daily usage of sunscreen in a fear-laced television advertising campaign that contends “a year of daily sun exposure is like a week …
Multibillion-dollar sun scare purveyor Johnson & Johnson – manufacturer of the Aveeno skin care line – is recommending daily usage of sunscreen in a fear-laced television advertising campaign that contends “a year of daily sun exposure is like a week …
Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy sent the following response to newspapers in Western Australia, where public health officials are enacting tanning regulations that will not improve public understanding of the need for a balanced message about UV light:
Cooler …
Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy sent the following response to newspapers in Western Australia, where public health officials are enacting tanning regulations that will not improve public understanding of the need for a balanced message about UV light:
Cooler …
They may look evocative and sassy, but they are powerful, calculating publishing monsters with an agenda driven purely by profit. Although their editorial message may come across as helpful to an audience looking for health and beauty guidance, the magazine’s …
They may look evocative and sassy, but they are powerful, calculating publishing monsters with an agenda driven purely by profit. Although their editorial message may come across as helpful to an audience looking for health and beauty guidance, the magazine’s …
Anti-sun critics often refer to ultraviolet light as a carcinogen – an oversimplification that is completely inaccurate. Here’s why:
The U.S. National Toxicology Program in 2000 placed ultraviolet light on the federal government’s list of known human carcinogens. In doing …