A brand new customer walks into your tanning business and announces that she would like to start tanning. This seems like the ideal situation and just what you need to make the day’s sales quota.
But are you leaving money …
What should we be saying about the driving force of our salon’s indoor tanning? Should it be a health message? A relaxation message? A promise of cocoa-brown skin? A cure for psoriasis? This month let’s take a look at what …
As vice-president of equipment sales at Future Industries, I believe that top-quality equipment can have a positive impact on your bottom line. If your customers are getting the best results in the shortest amount of time, you won’t have to …
Dan Humiston graduated from college in 1985 with a degree in education and was hopeful and idealistic in preparing for a teaching job and thusly changing the world. After a month of looking for employment turned up nothing, he became …
When Tonya Trytten and her husband, Daniel Peterson, vacation in Mexico they are no longer one of the “lobster people.” Because they know the value of a building a gradual base tan, they do so before their trip and arrive …
This is a simple little story that can impact sales significantly.
A couple of weeks ago, I worked in the Finger Lakes region of New York for an Economic Development group that was working with the growing amount of wineries …
How and why your tanning business should be taking part in the first-ever vitamin D-breast cancer fundraiser.
Imagine a day when your tanning business will be able to fully embrace the statement, “Tanning in my salon decreases your risk of …
One look at Zeda’s Disciple Angelic Advanced Tanning Maximizer will transport your customers to an illuminated state of tanning consciousness. Okay, maybe it won’t happen just by looking at it. But once your customers try Disciple, they will certainly become …