We Are Sunshine

Author Archive

Canadian Sunbathing Community inundated with Proposed Regulations

Friday, January 28th, 2011

Proposed Laws:

Ontario – 2 bills for teen ban

New Brunswick guidelines to be converted to regulations in a year – under 18 ban and warning sign

Manitoba – parental consent (under 18) and warning sign

CRD Victoria – under …

Make Your Reservations: DC Special Reserve

Friday, January 28th, 2011

DC Special Reserve is an extreme delayed bronzer that is formulated to allow the skin to develop a beautiful bronzed glow. Multiple advanced skin care technologies – such as Cell LD and BodyFit – will work to repair cell damage …

C’est Magnifique: Rejuvé Anti Aging System

Friday, January 28th, 2011

The Rejuvé Anti Aging System (rhey zhoo vay) is an exciting new concept in skin rejuvenation. It’s an effective approach to diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, mouth and neck. But the Rejuvé Anti Aging …

Member of the Month: Getting a Mega Tan in Ontario

Friday, January 28th, 2011

Dianna Carins has always been drawn to serving others. She began by becoming a registered nurse, and then went on to work for a large local corporation. “My company was downsizing and they were offering packages to those who were …

Five Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Improve Your Customer Care

Friday, January 28th, 2011

A few months a go we decided to do a little experiment. We knew we were going to be in six major cities over a three week period, so we kept a journal documenting our customer service experiences in each …

New ‘D’ Report Affected Clients: Poll Says

Friday, January 28th, 2011

A majority of tanning facility owners say their clients have been affected by a controversial report in November that alleged Americans are not vitamin D deficient and that vitamin D’s only proven role is for bone health, according to a …

Smart Tan to Attend Heartland Expo

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Smart Tan is starting off February by presenting at Heartland Tannning’s “Show Me the Money” expo, featuring speakers and exhibits geared to help salon owners improve their business and increase profits. The event will take place in Harrah’s Hotel and …

New Studies: Sun Lowers Cancer Mortality

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Two new studies in the February 2 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have found that sun exposure may have a beneficial influence on some types of cancer, according to a press statement released today from the …
