We Are Sunshine

Author Archive

Tips to Boost Revenues in 2011

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Although the economy is showing signs of improvement, we aren’t there yet. As a result, many in the tanning business community are searching for ways to boost their revenues. has a great list of tips to give entrepreneurs ideas …

Sunbed Users Tops in ‘D’ Levels: Study

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Canada’s sun-deprived northerly latitudes mean 90 per cent of Canadians will be vitamin D deficient in the winter. That’s why it’s not surprising to learn regular sunbed users have the highest vitamin D levels of any group in Canada.

2010-11-17 Tanning copyAccording …

Pre-natal Vitamin D Critical, Doctor Says

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

The non-profit Vitamin D Council’s January newsletter documents stories of broken bones in very young children that most likely are caused by alarmingly low levels of “The Sunshine Vitamin” in mothers and infants. The letter was distributed this week.preggers

A …

JCTA Director: Salons Controlled, Professional

Monday, January 24th, 2011

To the Editor:

I read your recent article “Tanning beds pose a significant risk of skin cancer” (Jan.20 Paris Star). I am very disappointed that you did not attempt to provide two sides to the article. You did not contact …

NCI Admits ‘Sun Scare’ Lacks Proof

Monday, January 24th, 2011

The U.S. National Cancer Institute — in bold type on an a section added to its web site in June 2010 — admits that there is no evidence that avoiding sunlight or sunbeds actually decreases the risk of skin cancer.…

ITA Urges Congress to Repeal Tan Tax

Friday, January 21st, 2011

The Indoor Tanning Association praised the House Republican leadership today for fulfilling its campaign promise to the American people and voting to repeal healthcare reform. “As the industry first hit by the bill’s many tax increases, we applaud the steps …

Free Webinar: Bring Your Customers Back

Friday, January 21st, 2011

The “Sun Scare” message is creating an unbalanced perception of UV light and driving people away from a natural and intended part of life.bringthemback

That’s why Smart Tan’s Matt Russell and Joe Levy will be presenting a free webinar Thursday, …

Vitamin D Council Slams Derm Group

Friday, January 21st, 2011

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (Jan. 20) — The nation’s largest dermatology organization is deliberately misleading the American public about vitamin D according to the Vitamin D Council, an independent non-profit group dedicated to ending vitamin D deficiency.

2011-01-21 Vitamin D Council copyIn a position statement …
