We Are Sunshine

Baltimore County Defeats Teenage Tan-Ban Proposal

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

NOV. 17, 2009 — A proposal to ban indoor tanning for those under 18 in Maryland’s largest county was soundly rejected by a 5-2 vote Monday night – rejecting a proposal being advocated by a zealous last-term councilor who badgered UV-light advocate Dr. William Grant in a hearing less than two weeks ago.

2009-11-18-victory-tanningnews-copy.jpg‘I think as elected officials we have a responsibility to do whatever we can to ensure these children, ensure the public that we represent, are protected,’ Baltimore County Councilman Vincent Gardina, who introduced the bill, told Baltimore ABC News affiliate WMAR. ‘It’s been medically proven that exposure to UV radiation causes melanoma.’

Gardina is wrong — UV has not been “medically proven” to cause melanoma — a point contested in the medical literature by several research dermatologists and dermatopathologists, despite the rhetoric produced by dermatology’s associations and other groups supported by the chemical sunscreen industry. The only data on UV and melanoma are association-based surveys which are designed to show correlation, not prove causation. There is no clinical data.

Gardina, in the hearing two weeks ago, attacked independent researcher Dr. William Grant — a UV light and vitamin D researcher who has more than 160 peer-reviewed published papers on vitamin D and skin cancer. Gardina repeatedly questioned Grant’s credibility, asking him if he was a medical doctor. Grant is a physicist.

GARDINA:  So, you’re not a doctor.
GRANT:  No, I’m a scientist.
GARDINA:  But you’re not a doctor.
GRANT: I’ve written 160 peer-reviewed papers on this topic. I’m a scientist.
GARDINA:  But you’re not a doctor.
GRANT:  I am a scientist.
GARDINA:  Not a doctor.

Howard County — a smaller, but more-affluent county in Maryland with it’s own non-elected health board, passed an outright ban for tanning for those under 18 earlier this month. That action never went before any elected officials and appeared to be greased by a county administrator who may be attempting to use it as an election plank for higher office.

To read the WMAR story click here.
