We Are Sunshine

Big Dermatology’s misguided anti-sun message is coming under scrutiny.

Friday, December 19th, 2008

The dermatology profession worldwide is struggling to extricate itself from years of sun abstinence messaging, one of Great Britain’s most prolific vitamin D experts told London’s Herald newspaper this week.

2008-12-18-tangled-web-tanningnews-copy.jpgOliver Gillie — author of several comprehensive reports on sunlight and vitamin D — appeared in a prominent article in The Herald this week headlined, “Bring Me Sunshine…and Health.”

“In September Oliver Gillie wrote Scotland’s Health Deficit: An Explanation and a Plan, claiming that lack of sunlight could be contributing to health problems in the nation,” the Herald reported. “His report argued that being deprived of daylight — and the vitamin D which it helps the body make – could contribute to a range of conditions including depression, cancer and multiple sclerosis.”

2008-12-18-gillie.jpgThe story continued, “Now Gillie says cancer charities have been ’embarrassed’ by the unforeseen impact of their advice to cover up in the sun — which has led to soaring rates of vitamin D deficiency. Messages have included the suggestion that there is ‘no such thing as a healthy tan’, which Gillie says is misguided and unfounded in science.”

Gillie’s reports are linked to Smart Tan’s consumer web site,

To read the full story in the Herald click here.
