We Are Sunshine

Blog Your Story: Start your corporate blog with these simple prompts

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

For many small businesses, blogging seems like a great idea, but few follow through to create a space that’s beneficial both for their marketing presence and their customers. Because so many businesses fail to invest the time and effort, creating a useful corporate blog is a great way to improve your search rankings, connect with customers and educate tanners even when they’re not in the salon.

The most crippling dilemma that prevents companies from initiating or maintaining their blog is a lack of planning. Before you get started, it’s important to have a long list of ideas on hand so you aren’t grasping at straws when it’s time to write up a post. Fortunately, this is easy to do when you’re passionate about your business.

Below are some great ideas for blog posts. Use them as the starting point for your brainstorming session, gradually working your way to specific ideas that you or your marketing person could write 300-500 words about.

Share internal news: Are you putting in a new sunbed? Showing up at a local event? Donating to a cause close to your heart? Tell your customers what’s going on behind the scenes and give them ways to become involved. People love hearing what’s new, even if it’s just a fresh coat of paint. Pictures of a remodel in progress can spark excitement even before it’s time to celebrate.

Give professional tanning and beauty tips: This can be a great place to promote tanning accessories that can improve a client’s experience. Explain how to care for skin when outdoors, how to maintain the color they get in the salon, or answer some of the most frequently asked questions in detail. You can also talk about lotions or sunbeds and explain how each one helps your clients achieve different goals.

Play off seasonal events: You can write about local places to get cute swimsuits in the summer. Explain how a base tan can improve vacation in the spring. Post a video of someone getting an airbrush tan or emphasize the importance of moisturizer in the winter. People always want to look good, which is why a tan is part of so many special occasions.

Tell customer stories: If you have customers who are willing, post before and after pictures and write a blog post outlining a customer’s experience with your salon. Seeing real people and hearing about the process from them could get people off the fence about trying your services. Sharing testimonials of how their special event or daily life was improved by their tan helps you create a positive reputation.

Small business owners have passionate discussions with their clients on these topics every day. Creating a corporate blog allows you to archive these important topics, events and questions in a way that can help people for years to come. Before a new customer even sets foot inside your business, they can benefit from your extensive knowledge and training. Let your passion shine through this powerful marketing tool!


