We Are Sunshine

California Tan Featured in Cliché Magazine

Friday, October 10th, 2014

California Tan Exposé Luxe Bronzer and Body Lotion were reviewed and featured on Cliché is a free digital fashion magazine and a leader in digital publishing. They are the voice of today’s socially active, continuously connected, digital advocated that demand the newest, hottest, leading edge products, trends and experiences.

The feature of Exposé Luxe Bronzer and Body Lotion included a positive review of the Body Lotion and a giveaway of Exposé Luxe Bronzer. Victoria Olmo states, “…the desire to achieve that natural sun-kissed glow is something we aim for each year…and with the help of California Tan products it has become a whole lot easier.” Olmo also points new consumers to purchase these products at your local tanning salon.

“It’s always exciting when other industries feature and provide positive reviews on tanning related products. This kind of feedback not only places a positive light onto our industry, but it also guides new consumers to the salon,” stated Lena Lindemann, assistant brand manager of California Tan.

For more information contact California Tan Assistant Brand Manager Lena Lindemann at 317-290-8982 ext. 4204 or
