We Are Sunshine

Member of the Month, April

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Dino Martinello, Raydiance Sunlight Centers and Spa


With four busy locations in Ontario, Dino Martinello strives to keep customers back with an advanced and generous rewards program. Inspired by the loyalty programs of the airline industry, Dino simultaneously incentivizes purchases while staying front-of-mind with tanners:

People can be enamoured with status. Our reward program, known as Raydiance Rewards, gives clients a key fob to use when they visit the salon. They get rewards with each purchase and are notified via text or email after their visit to remind them how close they are to VIP status.  Along the way, they will earn things like a free tan or service, free packets of lotion, or a discount on a full-size bottle.


We have a brochure with all of the information so clients can decide how they want to redeem their rewards. They can build them up towards bigger goals or get little gifts on a more consistent basis. They get a gold card when they reach Gold status, which helps loyal customers feel appreciated. It’s designed to be achievable.

Raydiance Rewards also ties in with our best form of marketing: word of mouth. If someone brings in a friend, we give the client and their friend 30 points on their rewards account. That’s in addition to the free tan and half-price packet of lotion. That has been a big source of clients for us.
