We Are Sunshine

Cash in on the Pickleball Craze

Friday, August 23rd, 2024

Pickleball, a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, has surged in popularity in recent years, particularly among older adults and fitness enthusiasts looking for a fun and low-impact activity. A recent article from Athletech News reported on the trend, stating that more than 13 million Americans played the sport last year and multi-million-dollar organizations are now rushing to develop new pickleball facilities and cash in on the craze.

Promoted by the USA Pickleball Association as a great way to exercise and socialize with friends, the “socially driven and physically accessible” sport has become a source of physical and mental health benefits for millions of Americans. A cardiologist and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who is conducting a study on the physical effects of playing pickleball even cited more sun exposure as one of the benefits, along with cardiovascular benefits, the positive effects of social interaction, and improved cognition.

“I think one of the things that we as a society have underestimated is the benefit of being outdoors, and a lot of pickleball is played in the setting of existing tennis courts or other newer courts that are being specially designed for pickleball that are outdoors,” Dr. Calum MacRae told CNBC. “Frequent sunlight exposure is wonderful for regulating your sleep cycle and can improve your quality of sleep, which can impact your mental health,” the article adds.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online. news articles regularly report medical and scientific information to keep you abreast of current events related to UV light. This information is not intended to be used by any party to make unwarranted health claims to promote sunbed usage. Indoor tanning businesses are obligated to communicate a fair and balanced message to all clients about your products and services including the potential risks associated with indoor tanning. Contact your Smart Tan representative to find out more about what you can and can’t say in your tanning salon business.

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