We Are Sunshine

Archive for the ‘Tanning Trends’ Category

Bigger, Badder, Smarter!

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

More exhibits, more parties and more to learn Oct. 22-24 at Smart Tan’s 15th Annual Convention in Downtown Nashville


Coming out of two years that can, at best, be remembered as the most challenging small business climate in modern North …

Member of the Month: HeatWave Tanning

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

5-10_momThe best career advice I’ve ever heard is this: “Figure out what you love to do. Then find a way to get paid for it.” Brian and Bridget Callender must have heard the same thing. Until 2003, both of them …

Member of the Month: Beamers Tanning & More

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

4-10-momWendy and Al Gladding of Beamers Tanning & More are on a mission, a mission to bring a ray of sunshine to their corner of the world, and it seems to be working. Despite Michigan’s tough economy and the fact …

Store Meetings, A Motivational Must

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

One of the greatest wastes in American business today is meetings. One of the greatest wastes in the retail industry today is the practice of not holding meetings.


Sounds oxymoronic? Not really. Many industries with more seniority and time on …

Member of the Month: Endless Summer, Mitchell Ontario

Friday, March 12th, 2010

mar-10-momWhen Teresa Burnette started in the tanning business back in 1985, it was really her parents’ idea.

Her dad, Bill Ledford, worked as meat supervisor for a local chain of grocery stores and her mother worked in a sewing factory, …

PUMP UP Your Lotion Sales

Friday, March 12th, 2010

mar-10-lotionIn my other life, I teach high school English, and every year around mid-January, the girls start sliding into their desks, red-faced and ashamed, taunted by the grins of their classmates. You might think they were blushing at first glance, …

50 Ideas to Increase Store Sales

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

feb-10-50-waysIt’s a busy retail world out there – every competitor wishes they had more customers. Actually, they wish they had YOUR customers. Keep competitors at bay and thrill your customers with these easy-to-implement, customer-pleasing, traffic-building, sales-increasing ideas!……….FULL STORY

Member of the Month: iTan, CA

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

feb-10-momAsk Faraje Kharsa the secret to his success in the tanning industry and he’ll begin by telling you about a failure. Or at least a near-failure.

Kharsa opened his first tanning salon on April 11, 2001. “I chose tanning for …
