We Are Sunshine

Archive for the ‘Tanning Trends’ Category

Member of the Month: Got Sun; North Carolina

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

North Carolina salon owner proves that her Got Sun tanning salons have “got” the right stuff.

In a faltering national economy and in an industry that has seen its share of difficulties, any tanning salon that cannot only stay in …

Why Green Looks Good on Everybody

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

In an uncertain world – economically, socially and environmentally – not taking strides to make a difference simply is not an option. None of these issues is more lasting or more important than the environment and many businesses and industries …

Your Lease on Life? By Joseph Levy

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

It is one of your largest business expenses, and yet is it one that many small business owners know surprisingly little about. It has nothing to do with tanning, lotions, sales or service, and yet it has everything to do …

Member of the Month: Hot Spot Tanning Company ; Oldsmar FL

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

Ironic as it is, this phrase praising distinctiveness has become somewhat of a cliché. Although the owners of the two Hot Spot Tanning Company salons in Florida have modeled much of their business plan around being different, their salons are …

Member of the Month: Club Maya Tanning Resort; Loveland CO

Monday, March 24th, 2008

When Tonya Trytten and her husband, Daniel Peterson, vacation in Mexico they are no longer one of the “lobster people.” Because they know the value of a building a gradual base tan, they do so before their trip and arrive …

Are You Selling the Story? By Rick Segel

Monday, March 24th, 2008

This is a simple little story that can impact sales significantly.

            A couple of weeks ago, I worked in the Finger Lakes region of New York for an Economic Development group that was working with the growing amount of wineries …

Merchandising Sense

Friday, February 29th, 2008

Have you ever gone into a store to buy a single item and left with a cartload of things you hadn’t intended to buy? Congratulations! You have fallen victim to the Science of Shopping. When a store is merchandised well …

Member of the Month: Sunny Buns Tanning Salon and Spa, Spokane WA

Friday, February 29th, 2008

The Treperinas make it abundantly clear that the number one priority at Sunny Buns is to please their clients, and that this is the best way to retain current customers and attract new ones..……READ MORE
