We Are Sunshine

Dealing with Angry Customers

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Back in February, we asked our Facebook and Twitter followers for their best advice on dealing with angry customers. We had a lot of great responses that any line of business would find helpful – see them on our Facebook Page, on Twitter or watch for them in the Twitter My Facebook section of Smart Tan Magazine’s April issue.

Here’s an article written by business reporter Carol Tice on with more ways to deal with angry customers. Many of her tips echo those we’ve received from our followers, so it’s great pat on the back for those of you who responded. Even better, we get an inside look at the customer’s point of view to help us better understand how to keep their business.

Be sure to check us out on Facebook (International Smart Tan Network) and on Twitter (@smarttan) for a chance to have your response featured in our next issue.
