We Are Sunshine

December Member of the Month

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Sun Place Tanning — Rochester, MN

Jennie Rebellato, owner of Sun Place Tanning, shared her salon’s newest TV commercial. For those customers that heard about the salon reopening, but haven’t stopped by, Jennie wanted to give them a tantalizing glimpse at the many renovations they have made.

Q: What advice do you have for new salon owners? 

A: My advice is just to be yourself and really showcase what makes you different from your competition. We have so much more competition with franchises and chain salons, but I really enjoy having the flexibility to make my own decisions based on the needs of my tanners in my market. I don’t have someone else dictate to me what services or promotions  to offer.

Q: What is the most embarrassing moment you have experienced in the salon? 

A: My favorite story takes place a long time ago. In the heart of our season, we had three employees working the counter and only two computers going. I stood up in the middle of a sales presentation to close the sale, and when I sit down enter it in the computer, someone pushed the chair into the desk, so I fell down on the floor in front of a lobby full of clients. But we laughed for a long time.

Q: What is your biggest accomplishment this year? 

A: Our biggest accomplishment is reaching our goals as far as reopening and gaining back our clientele. We are hitting membership targets despite the challenges we faced rebuilding our reputation after the closing of the salons.
