We Are Sunshine

Designing a Logo That Reflects Your Brand

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Your business’s logo may be aesthetically pleasing, but does it communicate what your brand culture is all about? It should, according to the article “5 Secrets for Making Yout Logo Stand Out.” Among other qualities, your logo – the face of your brand – must be consistent with your company’s message and help glue that message into consumer’s mind. Here are some more aspects of a successful logo to consider:

  1. Simplicity. Think about some of the most iconic logos – Coca Cola, Apple, Nike, etc. One thing they have in common is simplicity. It’s no coincidence that these are some of the most memorable insignias…their simple aesthetic makes them easy for consumers to digest and retain.
  2. Brand consistency. Think about the key characteristics and values of your brand and how you can express those traits through graphic design. Consider Apple’s logo: Besides clearly reflecting the company’s name, the logo is sleek and futuristic, but still lighter and friendlier than those of its main competitors. It’s an excellent graphic depiction of the way the company wants itself to be seen. See if you can do the same!
  3. Memorability. Your logo should “help them remember that you exist and what you stand for,” says marketing professor and author Jonah Berger. Simplicity is good, but you also need to add a little spice. Including a different or unexpected element will really make the logo memorable. Think again of Apple and the bite taken out of their logo.
  4. Remarkability. What makes your logo stand out amongst your competitors and the clutter of all the other businesses in your area? An established brand may not want or need to have a logo that’s particularly remarkable, but newer brands should take a little more risk in order to differentiate their emblem. Don’t try to play off your business’s main identity (i.e. using a sun). Think about what makes your business different, and try to reflect that in your logo.
  5. Market testing. Don’t just trust your gut – perform some research to help you choose the right logo. Believe it or not, anybody can afford to do so. You can post a survey on services like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and get valuable feedback for around $10.

Click here to read the article from
