We Are Sunshine

Don’t Let These Beliefs Hinder Your Profits

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

Even if your products and service are stellar, bad businesses practices will limit your potential, the article “3 Profit-Killing Beliefs” explains. You might not even know you’re making a huge mistake that’s costing you a lot of money. Review these common business misconceptions and make sure you’re not falling into the trap.

  1. Selling is what you do to a customer. Selling isn’t about persuading, convincing, or especially tricking customers into spending the most money possible. If you’re looking for long-term success, you need to think of selling as what you can do for the customer. Help them make the best buying decisions possible, and you’ll reap the rewards over time.
  2. Customers want more information. Getting more information to potential customers doesn’t necessarily result in more sales – it can even do the opposite. Your marketing and communications should be about getting them the right information in as few words and images as possible. If they want more, they’ll seek it out.
  3. The lowest price is a competitive advantage. Research shows that customers actually avoid the lowest-priced options because they perceive them as low quality. Rather than competing on price, focus on providing the best value possible at a reasonable price-point.

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