We Are Sunshine

Experience the Nashville Difference

Monday, June 16th, 2014

Running a business can run you ragged. It’s inevitable that owners and employees alike eventually get stuck in the daily grind and the minute details of a salon. When you lose that innovative, ambitious spark, it shows in everything you do. That’s why attending trade shows is so important to the livelihood of your business.

But not all trade shows are created equal, which is why savvy salons choose Smart Tan Nashville. Going on its 19th year, Smart Tan Nashville is the industry’s only truly national trade show and convention.

“A national event means every manufacturer, supplier and service provider in the tanning industry is represented at the event,” says Smart Tan CEO Matt Russell. “Some regional events will bill themselves as ‘national’ to lure you in, but you’ll end up missing a lot of valuable opportunities when half of the industry’s key suppliers aren’t there.”

Smart Tan is excited to present the trade show at the new Music City Center. This stunning modern structure is Nashville’s latest landmark, and its impressive facilities are just the first of many new elements that will make the Smart Tan Nashville conference better than ever. With new world-class speakers, a new educational format and the ability to see every new product on the industry’s largest trade show floor, Smart Tan Nashville is the best money you’ll spend this year.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.




