We Are Sunshine

Food Consumer: FDA Ignores Sunscreen Risks

Monday, April 25th, 2011

An article in the most recent post on questions FDA officials for failing to warn consumers that sunscreens are not intended to be worn 24/7 and that some chemicals in the product absorb into the body, can be toxic and may cause health problems.

2011-04-25 FDA Ignores Sunscreen Risks copy“Let’s consider a question that naturally arises out of this latest failure by the FDA — do you even need to use sunscreen in the first place?” the article states. “The answer is “maybe”, and only when you can’t control how much sun you are exposed to. For instance, if you work outdoors all day as part of your job, or if you need to protect sensitive areas of your face, like around your eyes, that are particularly susceptible to photoaging and not that large a surface area to impact vitamin D levels if blocked with sunscreen. But you certainly don’t want to use most of the commercially available sunscreens under any condition as they not only block your body’s ability to produce vitamin D, they’re also loaded with toxic chemicals.”

Food Consumer and Dr. Joseph Mercola of have challenged the FDA to come clean on the whole truth on sunscreens. “The fact is, getting safe sun exposure every day is actually one of the best things you can do for your health. Sun exposure allows your body to naturally produce your own supply of vitamin D, and experts agree that this is the best form of vitamin D available.”

To read Food Consumer’s story click here.
