We Are Sunshine

Good News: Benefits of UV are trending in research and media

Thursday, June 11th, 2020

As the news cycle continues to revolve around COVID-19, the benefits of UV exposure have also been drawn into the spotlight. Amongst all the bad news in the world right now, it’s a glimmer of hope in the battle against the pandemic, and it’s particularly noteworthy to those of us who have a vested interest in UV science.

For several months now, medical experts, researchers and mainstream media have been routinely reporting on potential benefits of vitamin D and sun exposure in relation to coronavirus. Emerging evidence about vitamin D’s impact on a variety of health conditions is nothing new, but never before has a single ailment commanded so much attention, so coverage of anything that might reduce the harm is highly amplified. And, perhaps no other potential remedy has been discussed as much as the sun.

Even with everyone talking the benefits of UV light, regulations prevent you from discussing it with your clients. But, regardless of the limits of how you can use this information, it’s definitely very good news for those of us believe in the multi-faceted value of moderate, regular UV exposure.

Your clients and entire community are undoubtedly hearing about it. While you can’t explicitly draw the connection between your services and the potential benefits of UV, most people understand to varying degrees that the UV light your equipment produces is similar to natural sunlight. You should be free to discuss the fact that UVB light from tanning units can stimulate vitamin D production if asked. However, it’s problematic to discuss potential health benefits resulting from your equipment. Today, more people than ever are already aware of the benefits, so it’s not worth the potential risk that comes with associating them with your services.

In a broader sense, it stands to reason that the current prominence of vitamin D and UV will propel conversation forward in relation to all aspects of health. As potential benefits against COVID-19 are considered, researchers and media also detail the other noted benefits against respiratory illness, other diseases and support of the immune system in general. Since vitamin D and sunshine have associated with reduced risk of pretty much every ailment known to man, that it would provide some protection against COVID-19 would be no surprise.

Every bit of good news helps, and the strength of the case for the positive impact of UV light has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few months. While it’s not going to stop detractors from arguing that UV is still dangerous, and certain people will always believe them regardless of contradictory evidence, more people are becoming aware of how good sun exposure is for them. That progress is bound to continue, perhaps more rapidly than before, and more people will continue to appreciate the value and practical applications of UV exposure, including that from tanning services.

It’s also a nice reminder that we’re on the right side of the sun care debate. Many dermatologists continue to advise complete sun avoidance – even going as far as telling people they need to wear sunscreen while they’re quarantined inside their homes – but it’s becoming increasingly clear that regular, moderate UV exposure is one of the best things anyone can do for their health. It’s always great to have additional assurance that we’re providing an amazing service that benefits our clients in so many ways – even if we can’t talk about many of them.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online. news articles regularly report medical and scientific information to keep you abreast of current events related to UV light. This information is not intended to be used by any party to make unwarranted health claims to promote sunbed usage. Indoor tanning businesses are obligated to communicate a fair and balanced message to all clients about your products and services including the potential risks associated with indoor tanning. Contact your Smart Tan representative to find out more about what you can and can’t say in your tanning salon business. © 2020 International Smart Tan Network. All rights reserved.
