We Are Sunshine

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

To say the past 2 years have been a bit of a bumpy ride would be an understatement but with nearly 83% of eligible Canadians vaccinated against Covid-19 it appears we are moving into the home stretch of the pandemic despite the highly contagious but milder Omicron variant we are currently facing.

Having the pandemic in the rearview mirror doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges as we navigate the future. In fact, this will likely pose new issues. Consumer confidence, the future of our economy, labor shortages, supply chain shortages, rising costs and ease of mobility in terms of travel are going to be hurdles we will continue to face long after this pandemic is a memory.

2022 will be a year of rebuilding and transition but with forecasts for Canadian Growth in the neighborhood of 3.5% we will be well positioned for recovery. This coupled with the positive media coverage of the importance of sunlight and Vitamin D, should have our industry feeling confident about what the future holds.

As Canadians have been largely stationary for the past couple of years and the increase average savings due to this, I feel Canadians are in a good position to support the full reopening of the economy and believe we will see greater consumer confidence and mobility, at least in Q3 & Q4 of 2022.

To all of you, the entrepreneurs, job creators and economic drivers of this country, it’s important to remember why you embarked on this adventure in the first place…….. “You didn’t come this far to only come this far”   

Sherri Buckle,

JCTA President
