We Are Sunshine

Healthcare Reform Suit Moves On

Friday, October 15th, 2010

A U.S. District judge allowed for the challenge of the Healthcare Reform Bill to move forward this week, according to Reuters. The challenge comes from 20 state attorneys general and is lead by Florida. Although the challenge is based on the constitutionality of the individual mandate to purchase health insurance contained in the bill, the judge did not rule on that.

“In this order, I have not attempted to determine whether the line between conhcrcourtstitutional and extraconstitutional government has been crossed,” [Judge Roger] Vinson, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida, wrote in his ruling. “I am only saying that … the plaintiffs have at least stated a plausible claim that the line has been crossed.”

This could be great news for the tanning business community. If the HCR bill is overturned, then the unfair excise tax on tanning services could also be repealed. Expect this to be a long and drawn out fight.

Read the article here
