We Are Sunshine

Highly Recommended: Encourage online reviews to enhance trust in your business

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Thinking about checking out that new Italian restaurant in town but not too sure what to think of it? Chances are, you’ll most likely conduct research before making your final decision. Following a Google search, you stumble upon phenomenal reviews: Must try – it’s our family’s favorite! Another one reads, Amazing service and delicious lasagna, would definitely recommend! In an instant, your mind is subsconsiously telling you to go. Everyone seems to be impressed with their experience, so you should be too.

After a delicious and satisfying meal, you decide to make a review too, hoping to also spread word. Within a few months, their customer base is multiplying and business is booming. A huge part of that success is coming directly from the customers and what they had to say. The good news for you is this type of success can be applied to any industry, including the indoor tanning industry.

Similar to word of mouth, online reviews can be powerful in the sense of making or breaking a consumer’s decision to go somewhere. In fact, 90 percent of customers read reviews before going to a business. A whopping 72 percent of people say that they will act and trust the business more after reading a positive review, according to e-commerce consultant Khalid Saleh.

Knowing those statistics, how can you use them to your salon’s advantage?

Make some visuals

Post a generic flyer by the register or door saying, “Review us on Google!” Or, “Review us on Facebook!” While this approach is subtler and less hands-on, it will help increase recognition. If a customer visits your salon four times a week, they will have seen the decal sixteen times in a month. Chances are high they’ll leave a review, especially if they’re in love with your salon’s services.

Give a little, get a little

Offer a small incentive to receive the review. Nothing too crazy – something small enough to make them feel like their opinion is valued, which ultimately it is. Not only will they be receiving a stellar reward and feel valued, they’ll be helping to build your salon’s reputation.

Simply ask

If the customer is happy and impressed with their service, go ahead and politely mention a review. The key word to keep in mind is honesty. Always, always, always, ask for an honest review. Say, “I notice you are very happy with your results. If you left an honest review on our Facebook or Google profile, we would really appreciate it.” Especially make sure to ask people who have been long-term customers. It’s very likely they would love to write about their great experience. They’ve been a longtime customer for a reason!


Responding to reviews is one of the most important elements in this process. Always make time to thank and acknowledge reviews. It shows your attentive, caring, and value your client’s thoughts and well-being.

Negative review? It’s okay.

If you happen to receive a few negative reviews, don’t fret. Think of it as an opportunity to improve your business. Respond in an authentic and caring manner and deliver the best customer service you can. Future visitors will see how you took the time to make sure the client received care and a solution, they’ll welcome your willingness to help. The review may be negative, but the customer will appreciate your response.
