We Are Sunshine

How to Create a Talking Billboard for $2

Thursday, April 14th, 2016

By Alyssa Hilliard, Sunless Inc.

Research shows that there is a reluctance to spray tanning because of the urban legends we’ve all heard of: “I don’t want to turn orange,” “I’m afraid I’ll turn into Ross!” What if I’m all streaky?” It’s something we’re all aware of, but how to we overcome it.

Successful salons are creating “talking billboards,” an easy, non-expensive way that has been proven to work. So, what are they? A talking billboard is someone who promotes their beauty secret, such as a spray tan, and where they got it from.


Your staff is in the salon and ready to promote the salon’s services. Staff members are the perfect influencer for your customers. Customers trust the staff and ask for their advice all the time. However, staffers are not always routinely spray tanning, which leads customers to doubt their spray tanning advice.

To solve this problem, charge your staff a mere $2 per spray session, so they can confidently answer questions such as: “wow, your tan is amazing. What did you do?” “You spray tan? But it looks so natural, not orange or streaky.” “I’m afraid to spray tan. Will I turn into Ross from friends?”

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
