We Are Sunshine

Inspired Ideas: Jill Frank, Sunless Inc.

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

For the April issue of Smart Tan Magazine, we interviewed Jill Frank. After owning her own sunless business, she joined the ranks of Sunless Inc. two years ago. Jill is a member of the Sunless Inc. Development Education and Support team, repsonsible for helping indoor tanning salons grow their sunless business. She raves about how offering “cocktails” – a service than combines UV and sunless – along with advantage pricing can mean a big boost for business overall.

Q: What is your objective when you are helping salons?

A: I want to build and grow their business through sunless tanning, which has become fully integrated into the indoor tanning industry. Not many salons have art departments and marketing teams, so we help them get more brand exposure. Too often, sunless is in a room at the end of a 20-door hallway. We find ways to build awareness and create demand.

Q: How has the demand for sunless services changed?

A: Salon owners used to think you were either a sunless or a UV user, but now you have a lot more customers who use both. That’s why promoting cocktails is so important. Even if clients don’t get sunless everywhere, it can complement UV sessions by enhancing hard-to-tan areas like the face or legs. And for lower-level UV tanners, cocktails can get them to try a higher-level bed than usual.

Click here to read the entire article in Smart Tan Magazine online.
