We Are Sunshine

Judge Rules Health Care Law Unconstitutional

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

A U.S. District judge ruled the new health care law unconstitutional on Monday according to the New York Times. Judge Roger Vinson is the second federal judge to find the law unconstitutional, which evens out the rulings at two in favor of the law and two opposed.judge

According to the Times, the ruling concluded that the individual mandate which the law contains is unconstitutional, but unlike the first ruling opposed to the law, Judge Vinson did not separate the mandate from the rest of the law. This means that Judge Vinson’s ruling in effect voided the entire law.

“The act, like a defectively designed watch, needs to be redesigned and reconstructed by the watchmaker,” Judge Vinson wrote.

However, the judge did not immediately suspend the law pending the appeals process, which could take up to two years the article states.

The judge’s ruling could be great news for the indoor tanning business community as it may void the excise tax unfairly levied on tanning services. Be sure to check back with Smart Tan for more updates as the story unfolds.

Read the full article at the New York Times
