We Are Sunshine

Less than half of salons say lower gas prices have improved their businesses

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

Lower prices at the pump in the past month have not yet translated into increased foot traffic in just more than half of tanning businesses, a poll conducted in early December suggests.

2008-12-09-tough-economy-tanningnews-copy.jpgAccording to the poll, 55 percent of salon owners say they have not seen a positive difference in their businesses because of declining gasoline prices. Just less than half, 45 percent, say they have noticed a positive difference. The poll results are not scientific.

It may take more time to notice a difference, as December performance may not be a good gauge of the full effect of lower gasoline prices. “In season there is no doubt that lower gas prices will help, although so many other factors in the economy could come into play,” Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy said. “We will repeat this poll early in 2009 to follow up.”

