We Are Sunshine

Lessons From a New Salon Owner

Monday, March 10th, 2014

By Grant Miller, salon consultant

Just a few days ago I did some consulting with a couple who just one year ago bought a salon that has been in business for 27 years. Sometimes when I do these consults they can be agonizing. The owners are frequently unprepared, shooting from the hip, with no direction or focus. Fortunately, my most recent consult was just the opposite, and the lessons gleaned from it will benefit you as well.

This couple went to the most recent Smart Tan Nashville trade show and attended my training sessions. They told me during our time together that they went to Nashville with two specific goals that they wanted to accomplish. There’s’ lesson number one: They had clear, concise, purposeful goals. They had definition of purpose. Goals without specific deadlines or details are just nice ideas.

They knew that they didn’t know certain things, and they wanted to go some place where the answers would most likely be. That’s the second lesson: They sought out the right place to discover the correct answers. No matter how good you are at some things, no one knows everything.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
