We Are Sunshine

MD Promoting Vitamin D
to Prevent Flu this Winter

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

An online medical lab site is promoting research connecting optimal vitamin D blood levels with lower risk of flu in the winter — another endorsement of vitamin D.

“Flu season is just about upon the U.S., and this means that many people will soon start coming down with infections. However, a vitamin D test may help individuals prepare for the season and understand if they need to do more to boost their immune system,” reports in a newsletter this month. “A 2005 study published in the FASEB Journal showed that vitamin D plays a crucial role in the production of certain types of white blood cells that are need for fighting off infections. A deficiency of the nutrient may leave individuals short on these important molecules.”

The post continues, “This is why vitamin D testing is so important. It can give individuals a sense of how well their immune system is functioning. Low levels of the nutrient may indicate a susceptibility to infections. Higher levels could mean individuals are less likely to come down with a cold or the flu.”

Other groups, including the non-profit vitamin D council, promote the sunshine vitamin as a key to reducing the risk of autoimmune diseases, including influenza and the flu.

To read the PriveMDlabs post click here.
