We Are Sunshine

Member of the Month Seeks Success

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

Businessman Robert Ashe was looking to generate extra income. In 1996 he purchased his first Sun Seekers location and so began his love affair with the indoor tanning industry. After successfully growing his salon, he was able to take over a second location in 2001. When customers familiar with the previous owner’s pricing questioned the new prices and packages, he was willing to offer both the previous prices and his own. The risky tactic worked, as he was able to explain and show his customers the benefits of choosing his pricing.

“I put the two packages together and I left theirs and made our own pricing on the different levels of packages. I made a comparison sheet and showed customers what ours did and it was funny — when I made the comparison sheet people were more open to the change. I later called it the ‘wow sheet.’ People time and again switched to our packaging,” says Ashe.

Innovation is the cornerstone of sun Seekers. Be it their powerful equipment, specialized staff or persistent social media marketing efforts, the salons continue to surpass typical tanning salon efforts.

Known as the “tanning experts” of their town, Sun Seekers recognizes that expertise and excellence is the key to a successful business operation.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
