We Are Sunshine

Mix It Up: Make more money with the right equipment mix

Monday, May 6th, 2013

The business world is full of products and services that promise the world and all the riches in it. But let’s get real: Without the right sunbeds, your tanning salon probably won’t amount to much. That may sound like common sense, but there is a significant portion of the market relying on a poor mix of outdated equipment wondering why their business isn’t doing better. The answer is no secret; it’s an investment.

Many small tanning  businesses blame external sources like the economy or the Tan Tax for the failure of businesses. While those are fair points, we can look to the owner-operated businesses that are thriving in today’s market and see that someone must be doing something right. What is it?

The people who are successful are the ones who aren’t afraid to make investments that put them in control of their business’s future. At the most foundational level, businesses that offer an attractive mix of current equipment are able to intrigue clients and level the playing field with larger competitors.

Click here to read the entire article in the May issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
