We Are Sunshine

Music to Your Ears: A lesson in royalties and revenue

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

By Rich Kizer & Georgeanne Bender

Do you play music in your salon? You should! Music has a big effect on your customers and sales, even you staff. It’s not just music, it’s audio architecture —  a soundtrack for your salon.

According to Muzak, the music you choose has the power to increase sales and employee productivity, help you attract the right customers, impact their dwell time, create a competitive advantage, differentiate your brand, and build loyalty.

Who Knew?

This we know: Disco is the sound of money — the beat tends to keep customers in stores longer; we know that younger generations prefer music with words over instrumentals; and we know that the music played in stores like Abercrombie & Fitch makes our ears bleed, but that’s probably okay because we’re not their core customer. Reaching your core customer is why you need to create the audio architecture that’s right for your salon.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
