We Are Sunshine

New Year, New Plan: How to get ahead in social media for 2014

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

Social media quickly changed the way businesses communicate with their customers, and it hasn’t stopped changing since. It see,s like every time you get into a comfortable routine for social marketing, trends change. That’s not necessarily bad, but it does require marketing managers to stay on top of things.

To give you a head start on your planning, here are some social media trends you can expect to see this year:


A few years ago, any marketing consultant would have told you to start engaging customers in tow places: Facebook and Twitter. Today, new social networks are popping up all the time (and many fizzle out just as quickly(. But there are plenty that have gained popularity and become a staple in the social culture. With platforms like Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram taking hold, it’s important to expand your business’ social footprint and meet your customers on whatever social network they prefer.

It can be a little overwhelming to jump into all those new networks at once, so you might want to ease into it. And these types of networks bring us to the next trends you can expect to see this year.

Click here to read the entire article in the January issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
